Monday, June 30, 2008

Greater Things

I haven’t written anything since May 7. Needless to say, I have been pretty busy. But I don’t believe that the three readers of this blog really care too much about that. That being said, life as a youth intern is grand. Sure it has long hours, lots of pizza, little alone time, and a bit less sleep than I’m used to. I love the students; however, I’m not sure I love the parents or the politics quite that much. Despite its ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade what I am doing right now for anything. I’m learning so much that will be so valuable in whatever God has for me. I’m really not sure if student ministry is going to be for me, but it is most definitely for me now

Spiritually, I feel like I have not been doing so hot. I have been so focused on doing good, maybe even “godly” things that I haven’t spent enough time focusing on the One I’m really doing them for. I know this is kind of a cliché thing to say for someone in or involved in ministry in any way, but it is exactly how I feel, and it happens to so many who have good intentions. Satan doesn’t wear a red cape and carry a pitchfork; he shows up where you are most vulnerable, looking stunning, like something you cannot refuse. And that something may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it may distract our attention from where our focus really should be. My goal for this week is to spend some one on one time with the Creator of the Universe—away from the noise, away from the thorns, away from the students, away from everyone. That’s just where I am. I want to crawl up in my Dad’s lap and be so close to Him that every breath I take, every time my heart beats, every time my lips move, they line up directly with His heartbeat, His breath, His words. I’m ready…

As of last weekend, I have officially been single for an entire year. Academically, spiritually, and relationally, it has been one of the best years of my entire life. Not that the years before that, in a relationship or not, weren’t fun or good or fulfilling, but this one stands alone. It has taken being single for me to realize a lot of things God has for me and who He wants me to be—and I feel like I still have a healthy dose of it ahead of me. I am definitely not terribly excited about it, but definitely content in it…


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lead Me to the Cross

God always knows just what I need when I need it. Whether it’s encouragement, a friend, or a free Mr. Pibb from the Coke machine, He’s always right on time.

Thank you Jesus for being big enough to move the mountains in my life and for caring about the small things too. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the Creator of the Universe caring about the miniscule details of my life. Thank you Jesus. I love you. Help me to share more about who You are: not the guy with a big stick waiting for them to mess up, but as a loving father waiting for them to run and jump into His arms. Let them realize that they cannot encounter You without being changed; don’t let them be caught up in religion anymore, let them be caught up in You. Let me be caught up in you. Thank you for chasing me when all I’m doing is running from You. Forgive me where I fail You. In Jesus name, Amen.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by You?
Would you tell me, how could it be any better than this?
You’re everything.


But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way.—
John 4:23

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lost in Your Eyes

As May begins and school comes to a close, I find myself above all other things, thankful:

Thankful for carrying me through another year of college.

Thankful for great new friends made this year.

Thankful for the new calling on my life.

Thankful for my amazing family, especially my parents and sister.

Thankful for my new ministry at Crossgates.

Thankful for each new day of life.


In the midst of whatever stress and busyness you have going on in your life right now, I encourage you to stop for a moment. Take a look at the things in life you have been taking for granted and thank Jesus for them. Hey, even thank Him for the bad things. Sometimes they are only there because He loves us.

Right now, in the good times and bad,

You are on Your Throne

You are God Alone.


Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. –1 Chronicles 16:8

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm No Superman

God is moving mightily. I have wanted to share for weeks…

My dad surrendered to the ministry and is going to be the Administrative Pastor at Crossgates...

I am going to be the new high school intern at Crossgates…

Neither of us sought out these jobs nor put out resumes; God just gave them to us in His divine power, timing, and wisdom…

It is going to be so great working with my dad doing ministry…

Oh yeah, if you haven’t figured it out yet…

We ARE NOT moving to Memphis!!

That’s pretty much it…


Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come…--Song of Solomon 2:11-12a

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Beauty of the Lord

In her eyes
The Beauty of the Lord
In her smile
The Beauty of the Lord
In her tears
The Beauty of the Lord
In her love
The Beauty of the Lord
In her heart
The Beauty of the Lord
In her life
She declares
The Beauty of the Lord

--MdB--April 27, 2008--

Thursday, April 17, 2008

You are my purpose...You're everything...

In my C.S. Lewis class today, we were discussing sin. To put it in context, we were talking about the sin of lust--portrayed as a lizard--in this great work. Now I know that when it comes to sexual sin, we are supposed to run from it:

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. --1 Corinthians 6:18

But in class discussion, passing reference was made that we as Christians are to flee from all sin. I'm not so sure that this is the case for many reasons. For example, we are given the full armor of God in Ephesians 6:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. --Ephesians 6:10-18

Why in the world would God instruct us to "clothe ourselves" in this armor if we were just going to run from all of the trappings of this world? Yes, if I was fighting this fight against the world in my own strength, I had better run. I have nothing on my own accord that would allow me to win the victory over all of the crap that I face everyday. However, my Savior died on the cross, defeating all of my foes once and for all:

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. --2 Corinthians 12:9

Notice back in the verses in Ephesians that there is no mention of armor covering the back--we are supposed to stand and fight with Christ at our side. It is when we cease to surrender in our own strength that we can see victory in battles fought in His great power!


I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. --Romans 12:1

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Top of My Lungs

Wash Me Away
by Brett Rush

Wash away all the sin that stains my life
Wash away the thousand lies that fill my mind
Cleanse me a new each day; my life Lord re-define.
Wash me in your river one more time

Wash me away, Wash me away
Wash me away, Wash me away
'til only you remain
Wash me away

Wash away all the pride that's in my life
Wash away the wounded faith that blinds my eyes
Cleanse me anew each day in grace and love divine
Wash me in your river one more time

More of you and less of me; saturate my life
Wash me in your river one more time

Cleanse me God, make me new. Remove everything in me that doesn’t look like you. Let people worship You because of Your Light that shines through my eyes. Wash me in your river, one more time.


They only were hearing it said, "He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." And they glorified God because of me.—Galatians 1:23-24

Monday, April 7, 2008

Golf Isn't My Sport

The future is bearing down on me…

I have only an idea about what it holds for me…

No specific plans…

And I’ve never been more excited than I am right now!

God has me in a place that I have been in very little in my life, a place of waiting. I’m earnestly praying and seeking His face, patiently awaiting the day He decides to reveal the place and kind of ministry He has for me. But for now, I’m right here, with lots of ministry to do…

--As a College Student
--As a Resident Assistant
--As a 6th Grade Guys Sunday School Teacher
--As a Mentor to a Handful of Younger Guys that I love

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I seek God’s will for my life. Also, as you seek what God has for you, don’t forget to look where you’re already standing. Sometimes the most fulfilling ministry will be right in your desk at work or at your table at Applebee’s or in line at Wal-Mart or wherever. I heard someone say this last night, and I hope she doesn’t mind if I quote it: Your life is your ministry. Keep that in mind as you mull through your routine—ask God for opportunities to be a witness and I promise you, He’ll provide—just be obedient.

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. –Galatians 1:10


Monday, March 31, 2008

Alive in This Moment

As the group prepared to leave for Mexico, they said a prayer asking God to move in their hearts and lives. They asked for unity and later, for Him to do a new work. And guess what? As they walked through their week together, God gave them each and every one of these things. The group loved each other without arguing or bickering. Lifelong friendships were forged. Five Mexicans came to know Christ. God gave each of them direction in the next steps of their lives. However, there is one story, my story, which I want to share with you now…

I cannot begin to explain the joy that God has given me! There have been many times in the past where God has given me the opportunity to be obedient, and He has blessed me. But unlike any other, this opportunity of obedience took me beyond anything I could have ever imagined…

God called me out. I was sitting at a kitchen table in Parras, Mexico with three friends, two of which are really turning the corner [so to speak] in their relationships with Christ and the other who is one of my best friends in the world. She and I got to share and pour into those two guys in a supernatural way. We shared about future, about next steps, about purpose, and lots of other stuff that I don’t even remember because it wasn’t my own [Holy Spirit]. I got to pray with them as well as help them forge a friendship. It was amazing, it was everything [so I thought] that I could have ever wanted from the trip. As I was lying in bed following all of that excitement I heard the Lord speak to me. Now it wasn’t audible, but it was as clear as anything I have ever heard in my entire life. He said That’s what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. Needless to say, I was floored. God wants me to be in the ministry! You see, I’ve been planning law school and life and success. But God has a different plan for me…

The next morning, God gave me [believe it or not, through a t-shirt] Proverbs 16:9 which reads:

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

All of the things I have been doing have been preparing me for something totally different than I thought they were. Yet looking back I can see where He was preparing me for His ministry, especially in the last two years:

--I left Southern Miss [a place I loved] for Mississippi College [a place I hated]

--I started a job here at MC with a college pastor as a boss

--I have had the opportunity to go on numerous mission trips

--I have been able to teach 6th grade Sunday School

--I became an R.A., which is an awesome ministry position

--My boss for the R.A. job is called to foreign missions in China

--The relationships I’ve had with others have taught me so much about my walk

But anyway, after God gave me that verse, the man leading our trip, Archie, gave the morning devotional. Everything he spoke about was everything the four of us at the kitchen table had talked about. We looked at each other in disbelief, wondering if he had secretly sat in on our unplanned meeting [he hadn’t]. As he drew towards the end of his lesson, he asked us to turn to Proverbs, and I knew where he was going: Chapter 16, verse 9. As if I needed more confirmation, he ended the lesson with something to the effect of this: when God gives you a word, He isn’t going to back out on it. So run with it. Ok God, I’ll do it.

So I come here today, humbled in the presence of a God so great that He take someone like me and use them for His purposes and passions. All I can say is that I have just hopped on the greatest roller coaster anyone could ever ride, believing in faith that God will give me my next step, as He has done so clearly in the last couple of weeks.

The moral of my story: be obedient. By the power of Christ in me, I was able to be obedient to the things He called me to do before, during, and after the trip. And because of that obedience, He has revealed to me the calling and passion for my life. Just allow Him to direct your steps, and I promise you He will.


You have heard; now see all this; and will you not declare it? From this time forth I announce to you new things, hidden things that you have not known. >>Isaiah 48:6

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Two Tests Down, Three to Go

No insightful post this week, just a couple of thoughts before I go finish studying and prepare to go to Mexico.

--Should we really vote for a president based solely on his/her race/sex? I think it's crazy to. If you like the stances they take that's fine. But I think a lot of people are voting for the two democratic candidates for the wrong reasons.

--I'm really glad Gregg Harper made the run-off for the Republican 3rd District Congressional seat. What an upset! David Landrum raised a million dollars and still lost! God has great plans for this man somewhere, maybe not in Congress, but somewhere. He is a man of great character and integrity. Gregg Harper for U.S. Congress

--Why do teachers cram so much junk before spring break? I hate it and I'm probably not going to remember it! :-0

--I'm so ready to be in Parras de la Fuente, Mexico. We leave Saturday at 5:30 am. My requests for the team are:
*Growth in unity amongst the team members
*God's hand to move in the hearts of the native children
*Supernatural understanding of Spanish for all of the team
*God to bring peace and let us forget everything going on at home; Solace with Him in His Presence

I love all three of you that read this! Please pray for us, we'll be praying for you!!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


It's pronounced Far-ve.

The football analysts had no clue who was stepping onto the field on September 27, 1992 for his first game with the Green Pay Packers. Most assuredly he was the butt of many jokes-- about his accent, birthplace, name, style and many other things that made him different from anyone that had ever been successful before him. Little did they know that this name would become legend. He holds the NFL Records for:
  • Most AP NFL MVP awards: 3 (1995, 1996, 1997)
  • Most Consecutive Starts by an NFL Quarterback: 253 (275 including playoffs)
  • Most wins by a starting NFL quarterback over his regular season career: 160 (Regular season record: 160-93)
  • Most career passing touchdowns: 442
  • Most career passing yards: 61,655
  • Most career pass completions: 5,377
  • Most career pass attempts: 8,758
  • Most career games with at least three touchdowns: 63
<Thanks Wikipedia>

Brett Favre played with a fire and intensity that you don't see in even many young players nowadays. That's why he also holds the record for most interceptions in an NFL career, I think its 288. He made a lot of mistakes because of the way he played--every time was like the first time he ever stepped out on the field. But more than anything, he had fun playing the game.
He isn't boastful or arrogant, he just enjoyed his job (unlike Tom Brady, who looks like his cat just got killed all of the time, even after an amazing game).

The first full NFL game I ever watched in my life featured Brett, and I think I owe my enjoyment of the sport mostly to him. It was the 1997 Super Bowl against the New England Patriots. Dad & I skipped church to watch it (just being honest) and I can remember just loving number 4's joy at playing a game that I had played many times in my own yard. Oh yeah and living in Mississippi (
I have spent most of my life in this oft-made-fun-of state) and spending a year at Southern Miss made me like him even more.

I am sad, but at the same time, glad to see him go. I would hate for him to play more and have some sort of serious injury or horrific season to haunt him the rest of his life. However, his love for the game and enjoyment in it is so far, unmatched. I hope the next generation of football fans have someone like him that will bring fun to the game and to the world of stuck-up professional sports.

Brett you will be missed, but who knows, maybe I'll catch up with you in Hattiesburg sometime...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Love & Lost Laundry

It has been a while since I’ve just sat down at the computer and typed out exactly what I was feeling without thinking it through completely. I think now is the time to do that. Here it goes…

I do not understand why people feel that it is necessary to steal my laundry. I am missing three pretty unique shirts so I’m going to know if they wear them on this campus; the only point in stealing my clothes is to antagonize me. I don’t really get that—I pretty much just mind my own business. Oh well, they’re just clothes. And I think God is trying right now to teach me to love people. And to be frank, that just isn’t that easy. As people, we’re so ignorant sometimes, we are hard to love. So the next time someone steals your laundry, remember that Jesus died for them too and loves them as much as He loves you. Hey, it’s what I have to do!

Today is leap day which means February is coming to a close. I’m pretty happy about that—it is probably my least favorite month: weather, holidays, sports, everything. March brings on baseball and springtime and convertibles and all the awesome things that come along with them. Bring it on.

I have to do a mini-drama for Spanish class. I don’t really want to do it, but I think ours we came up with is pretty good. Good enough at least. I made a 75 on the first test, so expectations on me for this project probably aren’t that high.

Disciple now was a lot of fun. It wasn’t even that stressful. I loved the guys I got to work with (for the most part) and got to show and tell them a little bit about Jesus. But it’s that childhood and youthful innocence that gets me every time I work with youth or kids. They just don’t realize what’s going on in their lives physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It’s the timeframe in their lives where the devil is trying to take hold of their souls. And there’s so much going on around them to distract them from the things of God that they can barely see straight. The only hope in making it through high school without falling is focus on God and His infinite grace. I hope to convey that to every youth I ever work with. Oh any by the way, if anybody has an extra t-shirt, I’d like to have it. Mine got “misplaced.”

Well I have most of my laundry to fold, some studying, and some reading to do, all before bed so I should probably just let this end here.


By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.—John 13:35

Monday, February 25, 2008

Q & A With Pictures

Q & A With Pictures:

What is your name?

The website you visit the most?

What was your favorite thing to watch as a kid?

What is your favorite candy?

What are your favorite chips?

What kind of soft drink do you drink?

What shampoo do you use?

What music do you listen to?

What kind of car do you own?

Current Mood?

Favorite restaurant?

Favorite Book?

Who is the ugliest person you know?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Floods and Fire Extinguishers

If you haven't read The Screwtape Letters by C.s. Lewis, I would highly recommend it. For the Christian, it is an invaluable look into how we so easily fall away for the things God has for us in exchange for things that have no eternal value, junk. It is a series of letters from a head demon, Screwtape, to his underling and nephew, Wormwood. Each letter is a response to an assumed letter from the nephew, detailing ways to make the new Christian stumble. It is a bit hard to get your mind around first because it refers to God as "the Enemy" and the devil as "our father". But once you get past that it is an easy, fun, yet convicting read. I have included several quotes to spark interest; let me know if you'd like to borrow my copy...


As long as he does not convert it into action, it does not matter how much he thinks about this new repentance.

And all the time the joke is that the word 'Mine' in its fully possessive sense cannot be uttered by a human being about anything. In the long run either Our Father or the Enemy will say 'Mine' of each of the things that exists, and specially of each man.

As you ought to have known, the asphyxiating cloud which prevented your attacking the patient on his walk back from the old mill, is a well-known phenomenon. It is the Enemy's most barbarous weapon, and generally appears when He is directly present to the patient under certain modes not yet fully classified. Some humans are permanently surrounded by it and therefore inaccessible to us.

Thus we have more many centuries triumphed over nature to the extent of making certain secondary characteristics of the male (such as the beard) disagreeable to nearly all the females...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Top 5: Worst Actors

Today starts the first in a series of Top 5's. They will range from everything from presidents, to music, to movies, whatever I feel like writing. This list contains the men and women who I consider to be poor actors/actresses.

5. Keanu Reeves--he can be good, but isn't very versatile. He has been the same character ever since Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Best Movie: The Matrix
Worst Movie: The Lake House

4. Sylvester Stallone--Does this guy even speak English? You can't understand 3/4 of what he says.
Best Movie: Rocky
Worst Movie: Tango & Cash (it was really a toss up)

3. Will Ferrell--I don't really think he's very funny or very good. He just acts stupid and gets cheap laughs. Oh, and did I mention that I hate him?
Best Movie: Elf
Worst Movie: Bewitched (would make one of my worst movies ever list)

2. Steven Seagal--Is any explanation really necessary?
Best Movie: Exit Wounds (according to Imdb)
Worst Movie: All of Them, including Exit Wounds

1. Chuck Norris--He is by far the worst ever. His acting consists of roundhouse kicks and catchphrases.
Best Movie: Delta Force
Worst Movie: Top Dog

Honorable Mention of Horrid: Bruce Lee, Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise, Ted Danson, Jerry Seinfeld, & Nicole Kidman

I hope you enjoyed this top 5 list! Another coming soon!


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Walkin' in Memphis

Has anyone that voted for the Grammy's actually listened to the music of Amy Winehouse? She is absolutely terrible. I couldn't believe she got a record deal, must less any kind of award.

Senseless violence has killed thirty seven in Pakistan and five at the University of Illinois in the past day or two. I can't help but be shocked every time I hear of a school shooting or suicide bomb; it just blows me away that things like that seem necessary. Satan is alive and well in our world today folks.

I just read the latest book by John Grisham (my hero career-wise), The Appeal. It was a good read; I'd highly recommend it.

The list of most annoying things in the world is coming together. Here's what is on it so far, in no particular order: Heely's, Bluetooth ear pieces, Styrofoam, Motion-Activated Holiday Decorations, & Rosie O'Donnell. Let me know if you can think of anything else.

I wrote a 2,000 word essay for Dr. Randle about C.S. Lewis and I thought it was going to kill me. Good news: It didn't.

Valentine's Day is a good excuse for girls to dress up and guys to spend money. But it sure is fun for those that have significant others.

I overheard a guy at Blockbuster today say that he spends $3,000-$4,000 in there each year. Either he is the biggest loser to ever walk or he is a pathological liar. It cost me about $10 to rent two movies--if I did this every day for an entire year, it would total up to $3650. So, liar or loser?

My family and I have some big decisions ahead. I can feel it. I am seeking God with all my heart and giving up all that I've held onto in order to see clearly what He has for me/us. Hold me accountable please.

Speak your mind. Don't be afraid of what others think. Stand up for yourself. Don't worry about things you can't control. And as always, don't forget that hollering is an attitude, not a voice level!
