Friday, May 2, 2008

Lost in Your Eyes

As May begins and school comes to a close, I find myself above all other things, thankful:

Thankful for carrying me through another year of college.

Thankful for great new friends made this year.

Thankful for the new calling on my life.

Thankful for my amazing family, especially my parents and sister.

Thankful for my new ministry at Crossgates.

Thankful for each new day of life.


In the midst of whatever stress and busyness you have going on in your life right now, I encourage you to stop for a moment. Take a look at the things in life you have been taking for granted and thank Jesus for them. Hey, even thank Him for the bad things. Sometimes they are only there because He loves us.

Right now, in the good times and bad,

You are on Your Throne

You are God Alone.


Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. –1 Chronicles 16:8

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