Monday, June 30, 2008

Greater Things

I haven’t written anything since May 7. Needless to say, I have been pretty busy. But I don’t believe that the three readers of this blog really care too much about that. That being said, life as a youth intern is grand. Sure it has long hours, lots of pizza, little alone time, and a bit less sleep than I’m used to. I love the students; however, I’m not sure I love the parents or the politics quite that much. Despite its ups and downs, I wouldn’t trade what I am doing right now for anything. I’m learning so much that will be so valuable in whatever God has for me. I’m really not sure if student ministry is going to be for me, but it is most definitely for me now

Spiritually, I feel like I have not been doing so hot. I have been so focused on doing good, maybe even “godly” things that I haven’t spent enough time focusing on the One I’m really doing them for. I know this is kind of a cliché thing to say for someone in or involved in ministry in any way, but it is exactly how I feel, and it happens to so many who have good intentions. Satan doesn’t wear a red cape and carry a pitchfork; he shows up where you are most vulnerable, looking stunning, like something you cannot refuse. And that something may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it may distract our attention from where our focus really should be. My goal for this week is to spend some one on one time with the Creator of the Universe—away from the noise, away from the thorns, away from the students, away from everyone. That’s just where I am. I want to crawl up in my Dad’s lap and be so close to Him that every breath I take, every time my heart beats, every time my lips move, they line up directly with His heartbeat, His breath, His words. I’m ready…

As of last weekend, I have officially been single for an entire year. Academically, spiritually, and relationally, it has been one of the best years of my entire life. Not that the years before that, in a relationship or not, weren’t fun or good or fulfilling, but this one stands alone. It has taken being single for me to realize a lot of things God has for me and who He wants me to be—and I feel like I still have a healthy dose of it ahead of me. I am definitely not terribly excited about it, but definitely content in it…


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