Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Two Tests Down, Three to Go

No insightful post this week, just a couple of thoughts before I go finish studying and prepare to go to Mexico.

--Should we really vote for a president based solely on his/her race/sex? I think it's crazy to. If you like the stances they take that's fine. But I think a lot of people are voting for the two democratic candidates for the wrong reasons.

--I'm really glad Gregg Harper made the run-off for the Republican 3rd District Congressional seat. What an upset! David Landrum raised a million dollars and still lost! God has great plans for this man somewhere, maybe not in Congress, but somewhere. He is a man of great character and integrity. Gregg Harper for U.S. Congress

--Why do teachers cram so much junk before spring break? I hate it and I'm probably not going to remember it! :-0

--I'm so ready to be in Parras de la Fuente, Mexico. We leave Saturday at 5:30 am. My requests for the team are:
*Growth in unity amongst the team members
*God's hand to move in the hearts of the native children
*Supernatural understanding of Spanish for all of the team
*God to bring peace and let us forget everything going on at home; Solace with Him in His Presence

I love all three of you that read this! Please pray for us, we'll be praying for you!!


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