Friday, February 29, 2008

Love & Lost Laundry

It has been a while since I’ve just sat down at the computer and typed out exactly what I was feeling without thinking it through completely. I think now is the time to do that. Here it goes…

I do not understand why people feel that it is necessary to steal my laundry. I am missing three pretty unique shirts so I’m going to know if they wear them on this campus; the only point in stealing my clothes is to antagonize me. I don’t really get that—I pretty much just mind my own business. Oh well, they’re just clothes. And I think God is trying right now to teach me to love people. And to be frank, that just isn’t that easy. As people, we’re so ignorant sometimes, we are hard to love. So the next time someone steals your laundry, remember that Jesus died for them too and loves them as much as He loves you. Hey, it’s what I have to do!

Today is leap day which means February is coming to a close. I’m pretty happy about that—it is probably my least favorite month: weather, holidays, sports, everything. March brings on baseball and springtime and convertibles and all the awesome things that come along with them. Bring it on.

I have to do a mini-drama for Spanish class. I don’t really want to do it, but I think ours we came up with is pretty good. Good enough at least. I made a 75 on the first test, so expectations on me for this project probably aren’t that high.

Disciple now was a lot of fun. It wasn’t even that stressful. I loved the guys I got to work with (for the most part) and got to show and tell them a little bit about Jesus. But it’s that childhood and youthful innocence that gets me every time I work with youth or kids. They just don’t realize what’s going on in their lives physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It’s the timeframe in their lives where the devil is trying to take hold of their souls. And there’s so much going on around them to distract them from the things of God that they can barely see straight. The only hope in making it through high school without falling is focus on God and His infinite grace. I hope to convey that to every youth I ever work with. Oh any by the way, if anybody has an extra t-shirt, I’d like to have it. Mine got “misplaced.”

Well I have most of my laundry to fold, some studying, and some reading to do, all before bed so I should probably just let this end here.


By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.—John 13:35

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