Monday, April 7, 2008

Golf Isn't My Sport

The future is bearing down on me…

I have only an idea about what it holds for me…

No specific plans…

And I’ve never been more excited than I am right now!

God has me in a place that I have been in very little in my life, a place of waiting. I’m earnestly praying and seeking His face, patiently awaiting the day He decides to reveal the place and kind of ministry He has for me. But for now, I’m right here, with lots of ministry to do…

--As a College Student
--As a Resident Assistant
--As a 6th Grade Guys Sunday School Teacher
--As a Mentor to a Handful of Younger Guys that I love

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I seek God’s will for my life. Also, as you seek what God has for you, don’t forget to look where you’re already standing. Sometimes the most fulfilling ministry will be right in your desk at work or at your table at Applebee’s or in line at Wal-Mart or wherever. I heard someone say this last night, and I hope she doesn’t mind if I quote it: Your life is your ministry. Keep that in mind as you mull through your routine—ask God for opportunities to be a witness and I promise you, He’ll provide—just be obedient.

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. –Galatians 1:10


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