Saturday, February 16, 2008

Walkin' in Memphis

Has anyone that voted for the Grammy's actually listened to the music of Amy Winehouse? She is absolutely terrible. I couldn't believe she got a record deal, must less any kind of award.

Senseless violence has killed thirty seven in Pakistan and five at the University of Illinois in the past day or two. I can't help but be shocked every time I hear of a school shooting or suicide bomb; it just blows me away that things like that seem necessary. Satan is alive and well in our world today folks.

I just read the latest book by John Grisham (my hero career-wise), The Appeal. It was a good read; I'd highly recommend it.

The list of most annoying things in the world is coming together. Here's what is on it so far, in no particular order: Heely's, Bluetooth ear pieces, Styrofoam, Motion-Activated Holiday Decorations, & Rosie O'Donnell. Let me know if you can think of anything else.

I wrote a 2,000 word essay for Dr. Randle about C.S. Lewis and I thought it was going to kill me. Good news: It didn't.

Valentine's Day is a good excuse for girls to dress up and guys to spend money. But it sure is fun for those that have significant others.

I overheard a guy at Blockbuster today say that he spends $3,000-$4,000 in there each year. Either he is the biggest loser to ever walk or he is a pathological liar. It cost me about $10 to rent two movies--if I did this every day for an entire year, it would total up to $3650. So, liar or loser?

My family and I have some big decisions ahead. I can feel it. I am seeking God with all my heart and giving up all that I've held onto in order to see clearly what He has for me/us. Hold me accountable please.

Speak your mind. Don't be afraid of what others think. Stand up for yourself. Don't worry about things you can't control. And as always, don't forget that hollering is an attitude, not a voice level!


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