Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lessons from a Blender

So I was watching TV today and saw an ad for a blender. It was awesome (for a blender). But anyway, their major selling points were the low price and a one hundred year warranty! Why in the world would you need a warranty like that for a blender? I mean, come on, most of us won't even live a hundred years. Think about it, you'll be dead before the warranty on your blender expires. On second thought, wouldn't it be great to never worry about being able to make real fruit smoothies for the rest of your life?? Here's the link. Oh, wait, the warranty's just on the motor, aww shucks! That means that everything on it may fall apart, but the motor is still under a limited warranty. Oh yeah, and I'm sure this very reputable company [sarcasm] that will be around long enough to fulfill that promise.

It actually made me think about life and death. I know, I know it's cheesy, but I got to thinking about 100 years from now. I'm going to be dead. Everything I've worked for will be gone, nothing I've done will matter. So what that tells me is that I should be focusing on things that matter, like my relationship with Christ and the people I love, instead of the trivial stuff that fills most of my days. Insight from an infomercial. It doesn't get any better than this.

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