Monday, November 19, 2007

Whose Line is it Anyway?

Another semester has come and is on its way out. What do I have to show for it?

--some great Christian brothers and sisters at Kaleo

--decent grades, except for the C I’m gonna have in Finance, haha

--a borderline obsession with Lifehouse music

--trips to Hattiesburg, Dallas, Oxford, Memphis, and Starkville

--realization that I’m probably going to run a restaurant one day, regardless of my level of education

--a wonderfully easy job as an RA that has opened doors for many new friendships

--love for archery and possibly bow-hunting (if I could ever see a deer)

--a great group of sixth grade guys that drive me crazy but I love anyway

--a lost bet on the LSU/Ole Miss game (just for you Duck)

--World Series disappointment (Couldn’t the Rockies have won at least one? Come on guys)

--re-addiction to House, MD

--stock in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

--interest in politics from my “volunteer” work

--frustration with my Rubik’s Cube

This has been an interesting semester. Three jobs, class, teaching Sunday school, house-sitting, church activities, and just life in general have all kept me busy, sometimes busier than I’d like to be...

This is my first semester in college as a single guy, and it’s been different, I’m not going to lie, but it’s been good. I’ve had a lot of time to grow my friendships, work on my relationship with Christ, and generally just get to know myself all over again…

Usually I have some sort of deep reflection or something in these. But this time, really all I have is this: love who you are. Don’t find your confidence in what others think, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your grades, or your fulfillment of parents’ expectations. Find your confidence in Jesus Christ and the person he made you to be. It’s only then that you’ll find true happiness.

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