Monday, November 26, 2007

My Movie

So I'm procrastinating on all the schoolwork I have to do, and I ran across this on someone's Xanga. So let's give it a shot.

If your life were based (loosely) on a movie...

1. What would be the title?

You guessed it, Don't Holler at Me: the Matt Briggs story

2. Which actor/actress will play you?

Either Dane Cook or Will Smith

3. Who will be the supporting character?

My good buddies Clint and Wes, played by Jason Alexander and Chuck Norris respectively.

Also my beautiful wife/girlfriend would be played by Katie Holmes

4. What will be the plot? What genre will it be?

A hot air balloon ride across the entire world. It would have our adventures in numerous places. Such as: Latvia, Paris, London, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, China, and Cuba. It'll start out with just me, Clint, and Wes, and we'll pick up the girl in New Zealand.

5. Who will direct it?

It would definitely be Ron Howard's first endeavor into the world of buddy comedy. If not him, then Wes Anderson.

6. What existing movies will it resemble?

Tommy Boy mainly with some influences from the Seinfeld TV Series, Dumb and Dumber, Stranger than Fiction, and Titanic.

7. How will it end?

I'm not sure; probably with some kind of serious touching moment. Maybe someone should die? I dunno.

1 comment:

thomas said...

pretty funny for a guy to want to be with someone who has slept with tom cruise.