Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here is My King

"Here is our King, Here is our Love, Here is our God who's come to bring us back to Him; He is the one, He is Jesus."

I picture a young lady held against her will by men out to destroy her in every conceivable way: torture, abuse, rape, or maybe even kill her. I see her in a state of anguish, totally broken because of the captivity she is being held in. She is struggling for all she has and ever will be. It is no use; she can’t get away from them. She has no hope. They are going to wipe her out. It is in that moment that she sees a horse way off in the distance. It approaches faster than she ever dreamed possible, and on it, she sees a man. He must be her rescuer. “Here he is. I told you he’d come. I just knew it. He’s the one that will fight you for my life, my freedom.” The ruggedly handsome young man grabs her up from her distress, delivering her from her captors.

This is me. I have allowed some sort of sin or disobedience or pride into my life and Satan has used it to beat me down, oppress, and discourage me—all of this makes me totally ineffective and broken because I know I cannot overcome it on my own. And it’s in those moments where I feel like I can’t go on anymore that Jesus comes and whisks me away from the sin that entangles me. “There He is. Here is my King. Here is my Love. Here is my God who has come to bring me back to Him. He is the one who has conquered sin, death, and the grave in order to give me freedom. He is JESUS!!”

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