Tuesday, May 26, 2009

South Africa Day 2

God is in Africa too.


I just spent about nine days in Pretoria, South Africa, where God used our team to do some amazing things. For each of the next several days, I’m going to post my journal entries from the trip, starting with the first day, and ending with the last, excluding travel time. I hope the Lord uses these to touch your life like he did mine. Enjoy.

Second Day: May 18

2 Samuel 24:24—Psalm 74

Admittedly, I was a little anxious about the work we were doing this morning. The overwhelming responsibility of speaking healing over people’s lives wigged me out—a little. But then God reminded me it was His responsibility and His power, not mine. Got a real peace as we split up into groups and played with the kids—we were like rock stars—that’s because God answered our prayers and prepared their hearts for our arrival. First, we prayed for a guy whose family had some tragedy that had emotionally scarred him. Then, we prayed for a lady with epilepsy. So we held her hands to steady her as we prayed. There was a spirit of heaviness all around her. As we began praying together, she screamed and fell to the ground, still tightly gripping my hand. That’s when we knew we were dealing with a demonic presence. We prayed and cast out the demon—hoping that she knows it was Jesus who healed her. We prayed for two people who were dying—a little girl and an old lady. The little girl had full-blown AIDS—she was 5 and looked about 3, full of sores, it was so sad. But God reminded me that her greatest need isn’t being healed from AIDS—it is Jesus.

It's mine too.

We ate spaghetti for dinner and talked with Mariet about her 80-day mission trip all over the eastern hemisphere. It was cool to hear her passion and her accent. Kyle then told us to listen and sit across the table from God and ask Him specific questions. I did. No answers…yet. Tomorrow, we’re halving our group up—some doing construction and half doing what we did today.

Prayer for Tomorrow: Flexibility, listening ears, loving beyond circumstances.

P.S.: Marshall and Nathan say ‘hey’.

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