Monday, May 25, 2009

South Africa Day 1

God is in Africa too.


I just spent about nine days in Pretoria, South Africa, where God used our team to do some amazing things. For each of the next several days, I’m going to post my journal entries from the trip, starting with the first day, and ending with the last, excluding travel time. I hope the Lord uses these to touch your life like he did mine. Enjoy.

First Full Day: May 17

Job 29—Luke 4:18—2 Samuel 9—James 1:27

Know who you’re talking to
--Know God, Know His power

Healing Hands
--Same power
--Child healed at Church

See people past circumstances, see them as God’s children

Door already open in Heaven—Revelation 3

This place is incredible. The people here are most definitely kindred spirits with us. God is doing the same stuff here that He is back home. He’s way bigger than Brandon. We worshipped at the church plant here this morning with a freedom and simplicity I haven’t seen in a while. They prayed over our team—such a blessing. We then experienced a wonderful South African tradition, a Brie, which is similar to BBQ back at home. Little Viele, the son of one of the missionaries living there, brought Kyle an orange to peel for him—but then tried to take it back, not wanting him to finish peeling it…just like me. I need help and sure, initially I’ll give things to the Lord. But when I realize what I’ve done, realizing I’ve lost control, I’ll ask for those things back, or worse, never hand them off. Later that day we hiked up to an observation deck overlooking the area we would be serving in, a beautiful place in its own way. We enjoyed a light dinner followed by a time of worship, led by Nathan and Pete. The time in God’s presence was incredible each and every time we pulled our chairs up to His table. As the Lord was preparing us for the next day of door-to-door work in the community, Leigh Ann was prompted to ask for healing hands for the people we would encounter. It then hit me that my lack of faith could keep someone from being healed or set free. Asking the Lord for faith, no doubt, healing hands.

Prayer for Tomorrow: Discernment, wisdom, healing hands as we split up and visit orphan homes. Soft hearts, see Jesus, not us.

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