Friday, February 20, 2009


Things that have happened since I last blogged:
-Mission Tour: Houston, TX
-A in a Business Minor Class
-Wednesday Night Cheese Stix Tradition
-Crossgates Hired a College Pastor
-Rob went out on a date
-Washington D.C. trip with the gang
-Movement College Worship on Thursday Nights
-The U.S. elected a new president & MS elected Gregg Harper
-A-Rod steroids scandal
-I beat Jay Davis at Pool
-Road Trip: Dallas
-Jay Davis beat me at tennis, basketball, and paper football
-Dustin & Joel got girlfriends

Things that HAVE NOT happened since I last blogged:
-A decision on where to go for Seminary
-A decision on what to pursue in ministry specifically
-A date
-A traffic ticket
-Read a whole book
-Tampa Bay Rays World Series/ Arizona Cardinals Super Bowl
-Smarter Children
-Worldwide muting of the song “All the Single Ladies”: It’s AWFUL!

I think that about catches you up on the major highlights of the last 6 plus months. Be looking for more frequent updates in the NEAR future.


You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. –1 Peter 1:8

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