Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heavenly Perspectives

Sometimes I wonder what God says to Himself when He looks down and sees me. Here are some thoughts:

-What in the world is he doing this time?
-He just totally missed something awesome I had for him.
-I’ve told him a thousand times not to do that.
-Not again.
-He doesn’t understand how much I love him.
-He just made a fool of himself in front of the children.
-Matt is missing the joy I desire in relationship with him.
-Why is he ignoring me?
-I am so proud of him.

The last one of those, at least in my mind, occurs the least. I can’t believe God would ever be proud of me—all I have done and will do that screams everything but “Jesus”. What I often forget is that God’s love isn’t finite and conditional like mine. He loves me in spite of myself, in spite of my screw ups. Even though I know that is true and find peace in that principle, it’s not where I want to wallow. I want to live my life to make His name Great. When God looks down on me and is having a chat with George Washington, I want His part of the conversation to go something like it did that day He was talking to Satan about Job.

And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?"
>>Job 1:8

When God says someone’s doing a good job, there’s no denying it. I want God to look down at me, take a sip of His sweet tea, and smile.


1 comment:

dayna said...

Love your blogs my boy!!! keep writing!!!