Friday, February 29, 2008

Love & Lost Laundry

It has been a while since I’ve just sat down at the computer and typed out exactly what I was feeling without thinking it through completely. I think now is the time to do that. Here it goes…

I do not understand why people feel that it is necessary to steal my laundry. I am missing three pretty unique shirts so I’m going to know if they wear them on this campus; the only point in stealing my clothes is to antagonize me. I don’t really get that—I pretty much just mind my own business. Oh well, they’re just clothes. And I think God is trying right now to teach me to love people. And to be frank, that just isn’t that easy. As people, we’re so ignorant sometimes, we are hard to love. So the next time someone steals your laundry, remember that Jesus died for them too and loves them as much as He loves you. Hey, it’s what I have to do!

Today is leap day which means February is coming to a close. I’m pretty happy about that—it is probably my least favorite month: weather, holidays, sports, everything. March brings on baseball and springtime and convertibles and all the awesome things that come along with them. Bring it on.

I have to do a mini-drama for Spanish class. I don’t really want to do it, but I think ours we came up with is pretty good. Good enough at least. I made a 75 on the first test, so expectations on me for this project probably aren’t that high.

Disciple now was a lot of fun. It wasn’t even that stressful. I loved the guys I got to work with (for the most part) and got to show and tell them a little bit about Jesus. But it’s that childhood and youthful innocence that gets me every time I work with youth or kids. They just don’t realize what’s going on in their lives physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It’s the timeframe in their lives where the devil is trying to take hold of their souls. And there’s so much going on around them to distract them from the things of God that they can barely see straight. The only hope in making it through high school without falling is focus on God and His infinite grace. I hope to convey that to every youth I ever work with. Oh any by the way, if anybody has an extra t-shirt, I’d like to have it. Mine got “misplaced.”

Well I have most of my laundry to fold, some studying, and some reading to do, all before bed so I should probably just let this end here.


By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.—John 13:35

Monday, February 25, 2008

Q & A With Pictures

Q & A With Pictures:

What is your name?

The website you visit the most?

What was your favorite thing to watch as a kid?

What is your favorite candy?

What are your favorite chips?

What kind of soft drink do you drink?

What shampoo do you use?

What music do you listen to?

What kind of car do you own?

Current Mood?

Favorite restaurant?

Favorite Book?

Who is the ugliest person you know?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Floods and Fire Extinguishers

If you haven't read The Screwtape Letters by C.s. Lewis, I would highly recommend it. For the Christian, it is an invaluable look into how we so easily fall away for the things God has for us in exchange for things that have no eternal value, junk. It is a series of letters from a head demon, Screwtape, to his underling and nephew, Wormwood. Each letter is a response to an assumed letter from the nephew, detailing ways to make the new Christian stumble. It is a bit hard to get your mind around first because it refers to God as "the Enemy" and the devil as "our father". But once you get past that it is an easy, fun, yet convicting read. I have included several quotes to spark interest; let me know if you'd like to borrow my copy...


As long as he does not convert it into action, it does not matter how much he thinks about this new repentance.

And all the time the joke is that the word 'Mine' in its fully possessive sense cannot be uttered by a human being about anything. In the long run either Our Father or the Enemy will say 'Mine' of each of the things that exists, and specially of each man.

As you ought to have known, the asphyxiating cloud which prevented your attacking the patient on his walk back from the old mill, is a well-known phenomenon. It is the Enemy's most barbarous weapon, and generally appears when He is directly present to the patient under certain modes not yet fully classified. Some humans are permanently surrounded by it and therefore inaccessible to us.

Thus we have more many centuries triumphed over nature to the extent of making certain secondary characteristics of the male (such as the beard) disagreeable to nearly all the females...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Top 5: Worst Actors

Today starts the first in a series of Top 5's. They will range from everything from presidents, to music, to movies, whatever I feel like writing. This list contains the men and women who I consider to be poor actors/actresses.

5. Keanu Reeves--he can be good, but isn't very versatile. He has been the same character ever since Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Best Movie: The Matrix
Worst Movie: The Lake House

4. Sylvester Stallone--Does this guy even speak English? You can't understand 3/4 of what he says.
Best Movie: Rocky
Worst Movie: Tango & Cash (it was really a toss up)

3. Will Ferrell--I don't really think he's very funny or very good. He just acts stupid and gets cheap laughs. Oh, and did I mention that I hate him?
Best Movie: Elf
Worst Movie: Bewitched (would make one of my worst movies ever list)

2. Steven Seagal--Is any explanation really necessary?
Best Movie: Exit Wounds (according to Imdb)
Worst Movie: All of Them, including Exit Wounds

1. Chuck Norris--He is by far the worst ever. His acting consists of roundhouse kicks and catchphrases.
Best Movie: Delta Force
Worst Movie: Top Dog

Honorable Mention of Horrid: Bruce Lee, Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise, Ted Danson, Jerry Seinfeld, & Nicole Kidman

I hope you enjoyed this top 5 list! Another coming soon!


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Walkin' in Memphis

Has anyone that voted for the Grammy's actually listened to the music of Amy Winehouse? She is absolutely terrible. I couldn't believe she got a record deal, must less any kind of award.

Senseless violence has killed thirty seven in Pakistan and five at the University of Illinois in the past day or two. I can't help but be shocked every time I hear of a school shooting or suicide bomb; it just blows me away that things like that seem necessary. Satan is alive and well in our world today folks.

I just read the latest book by John Grisham (my hero career-wise), The Appeal. It was a good read; I'd highly recommend it.

The list of most annoying things in the world is coming together. Here's what is on it so far, in no particular order: Heely's, Bluetooth ear pieces, Styrofoam, Motion-Activated Holiday Decorations, & Rosie O'Donnell. Let me know if you can think of anything else.

I wrote a 2,000 word essay for Dr. Randle about C.S. Lewis and I thought it was going to kill me. Good news: It didn't.

Valentine's Day is a good excuse for girls to dress up and guys to spend money. But it sure is fun for those that have significant others.

I overheard a guy at Blockbuster today say that he spends $3,000-$4,000 in there each year. Either he is the biggest loser to ever walk or he is a pathological liar. It cost me about $10 to rent two movies--if I did this every day for an entire year, it would total up to $3650. So, liar or loser?

My family and I have some big decisions ahead. I can feel it. I am seeking God with all my heart and giving up all that I've held onto in order to see clearly what He has for me/us. Hold me accountable please.

Speak your mind. Don't be afraid of what others think. Stand up for yourself. Don't worry about things you can't control. And as always, don't forget that hollering is an attitude, not a voice level!
