Monday, November 26, 2007

My Movie

So I'm procrastinating on all the schoolwork I have to do, and I ran across this on someone's Xanga. So let's give it a shot.

If your life were based (loosely) on a movie...

1. What would be the title?

You guessed it, Don't Holler at Me: the Matt Briggs story

2. Which actor/actress will play you?

Either Dane Cook or Will Smith

3. Who will be the supporting character?

My good buddies Clint and Wes, played by Jason Alexander and Chuck Norris respectively.

Also my beautiful wife/girlfriend would be played by Katie Holmes

4. What will be the plot? What genre will it be?

A hot air balloon ride across the entire world. It would have our adventures in numerous places. Such as: Latvia, Paris, London, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, China, and Cuba. It'll start out with just me, Clint, and Wes, and we'll pick up the girl in New Zealand.

5. Who will direct it?

It would definitely be Ron Howard's first endeavor into the world of buddy comedy. If not him, then Wes Anderson.

6. What existing movies will it resemble?

Tommy Boy mainly with some influences from the Seinfeld TV Series, Dumb and Dumber, Stranger than Fiction, and Titanic.

7. How will it end?

I'm not sure; probably with some kind of serious touching moment. Maybe someone should die? I dunno.

General Admissions

-Those of you that know me know that I am never stressed.

-Crossgates Christmas was probably a bad idea, I don't really have the time. It'll be fun though.

-Believe it or not, I'm actually ready to get rid of the beard; I look homeless and it itches.

-Can you work for me on Friday night at Cpaw's? If you can, give me a call.

-I'm going to Hattiesburg on for the weekend, pending the above request.

-I dislike all but two of my classes this semester. I'm so ready for it to be over!

-Final night of Journey Groups at Mo Heights and I'm teaching! Pray for me.

-If you see me wearing LSU gear, I'm not a fan. I just lost a bet.

-Wal-Mart is going to get some of my cash in the near future. I need deodorant and Christmas lights for the dorm.

-I have to go to the dentist Friday morning. I don't like my dentist, I think he's an undercover fascist.

-Do you ever wonder why people wear shorts and flip flops when its 40 degrees outside? If you know why or are one of those people, let me know the reasons behind it.

-Neal, April, and Elizabeth are going to start a traveling band. They are only going to sing songs from Titanic and the Backstreet Boys.

-I like my new RD. He seems like a great guy.

-Add a lint roller to my Wal-Mart list. I got a new sweater, and it's got little fuzzies all over it from the washer.

-Fred was fun until he was released back into the wild.

-CS Lewis books are quite deep, so don't pick one up unless you've got some time to read back over stuff over and over again.

-The best Christmas music ever is by Aaron Neville. Especially Louisiana Christmas Day.

I may try to write for the newspaper again this spring. Just not the sports section. It wasn't my cup of tea.

-If you haven't tried the cheese sticks at the Froghead Grill in Clinton, run over there and order a few. They're fantastic.

-I cannot believe you are still reading.

-Why did Southern Miss fire Jeff Bower today? Under his leadership, the Eagles have one of the longest streaks of winning seasons (I think its 14). Oh well, he'll get a better coaching position somewhere.

-I really have too much to do to be writing this pointless blog.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Whose Line is it Anyway?

Another semester has come and is on its way out. What do I have to show for it?

--some great Christian brothers and sisters at Kaleo

--decent grades, except for the C I’m gonna have in Finance, haha

--a borderline obsession with Lifehouse music

--trips to Hattiesburg, Dallas, Oxford, Memphis, and Starkville

--realization that I’m probably going to run a restaurant one day, regardless of my level of education

--a wonderfully easy job as an RA that has opened doors for many new friendships

--love for archery and possibly bow-hunting (if I could ever see a deer)

--a great group of sixth grade guys that drive me crazy but I love anyway

--a lost bet on the LSU/Ole Miss game (just for you Duck)

--World Series disappointment (Couldn’t the Rockies have won at least one? Come on guys)

--re-addiction to House, MD

--stock in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

--interest in politics from my “volunteer” work

--frustration with my Rubik’s Cube

This has been an interesting semester. Three jobs, class, teaching Sunday school, house-sitting, church activities, and just life in general have all kept me busy, sometimes busier than I’d like to be...

This is my first semester in college as a single guy, and it’s been different, I’m not going to lie, but it’s been good. I’ve had a lot of time to grow my friendships, work on my relationship with Christ, and generally just get to know myself all over again…

Usually I have some sort of deep reflection or something in these. But this time, really all I have is this: love who you are. Don’t find your confidence in what others think, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your grades, or your fulfillment of parents’ expectations. Find your confidence in Jesus Christ and the person he made you to be. It’s only then that you’ll find true happiness.