Thursday, March 18, 2010

Half of My Heart

I believe there comes a point where you really have to trust God.

And I don’t mean trust Him with your mind.

I don’t mean trust Him with your words.

I mean trust Him in the deepest parts of who you are.

Trust Him with your heart, because to know something in your heart, is something all together different that knowing something in your head.

I can know that I should trust God all day long. I can know that He’s got a great plan and knows what’s best for me. But until I take that knowledge and really transfer it to my heart, it means nothing. God has a huge plan for you. Take it one step at a time, let Him lead you. He knows the path infinitely better than you or I do.

There will be steps you WANT to take.

Steps that seem to make sense.

Steps that WE think are the best for us.

But walk in His steps. Trust in His wonderful love, power, grace, and plan.

Because He knows best anyway.

We all know that.

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart
Psalm 37:4


1 comment:

Angela McInnis said...

Thanks for the reminder, Matt.
Mrs. McInnis