Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lessons from a Blender

So I was watching TV today and saw an ad for a blender. It was awesome (for a blender). But anyway, their major selling points were the low price and a one hundred year warranty! Why in the world would you need a warranty like that for a blender? I mean, come on, most of us won't even live a hundred years. Think about it, you'll be dead before the warranty on your blender expires. On second thought, wouldn't it be great to never worry about being able to make real fruit smoothies for the rest of your life?? Here's the link. Oh, wait, the warranty's just on the motor, aww shucks! That means that everything on it may fall apart, but the motor is still under a limited warranty. Oh yeah, and I'm sure this very reputable company [sarcasm] that will be around long enough to fulfill that promise.

It actually made me think about life and death. I know, I know it's cheesy, but I got to thinking about 100 years from now. I'm going to be dead. Everything I've worked for will be gone, nothing I've done will matter. So what that tells me is that I should be focusing on things that matter, like my relationship with Christ and the people I love, instead of the trivial stuff that fills most of my days. Insight from an infomercial. It doesn't get any better than this.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

BCS Bowls

Ladies and gentlemen, the BCS bowls:

National Championship Game
January 7, 2008
Ohio State vs. LSU

Orange Bowl
January 3, 2008
Kansas vs. Virginia Tech

Fiesta Bowl
January 2, 2008
Oklahoma vs. West Virginia

Sugar Bowl
January 1, 2008
Hawaii vs. Georgia

Rose Bowl
January 1, 2008
USC vs. Illinois

Let me start this out by saying that LSU should have been undefeated. They are by far the most talented team in the country but are held back by incompetent coaching. And let me also say that they and Ohio State have consistently been very good this year, so they are UNDERSTANDABLE, but not perfect choices for the national championship. This would have been so much easier if Missouri and West Virginia could have won yesterday...

So how in the world can a team (Georgia) fall in the rankings when two teams in front of them lose (Missouri & West Virginia) and they don't even play?

How in the world does a team like Kansas with a strength of schedule ranked 110 out of 119 teams, jump over a team with the 26th rank (or so) strength of schedule (Missouri)?

How in the world does LSU jump 5 spots by beating a 9-3 team ranked 14th (Tennessee)? Especially when numbers 3, 4, 5 didn't play, and number 6 (Va Tech) beating a 12th ranked team (Boston College)? If this is the formula then Va Tech for the National title makes about as much sense, if not more since they beat a higher ranked team.

Thank the Lord Hawaii got a BCS bowl, they deserved it; it's about the only BCS selection I'm totally satisfied with.

How in the world is the team that wins the state of Ohio Championship (Ohio State) over some god-awful teams (Akron, Ohio U, and Miami, Oh) get to the BCS title game every single year? Didn't last year's national championship prove that Ohio State is entirely overrated because of their WEAK schedule??

I think the BCS is all about the money. It sucks so bad that a team like Missouri who has played so well all season but lost at the wrong time (both times to a great team in Oklahoma), gets screwed all the way out of the BCS bowls. It sucks that because LSU and Ohio State are only where they are because of their rich football reputations, not this year's teams. Oh and one question, do losses count less if they are in triple overtime? Because the broadcasters seem to think that is the case with LSU's losses to Kentucky and Arkansas(unranked!!).

I know I'd probably only be the 14,974,102 person to suggest this (maybe there's something to it), but how about a playoff system with the top 8 teams in the Coach's Poll? That would give Hawaii, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona State & Va Tech a chance to make their case for the nation's best team instead of a bunch of rich guys deciding who gets that chance for them?

All that to say that I'm really glad there's an SEC team in the title game that will absolutely CRUSH "the Ohio State University."

In summary..

Who got screwed the worst? Definitely Missouri

How in the world did they get a BCS game? Illinois (even though they did have a breakthrough season, but they had 3 losses...)

What game will be the most fun to watch? Georgia & Hawaii

My pick for the title game: Georgia -vs- Oklahoma; it would be a much better game.

Oh yeah and by the way; my life will not be changed one way or the other no matter who plays, who wins, who loses, who got screwed. Football isn't that important, but it is fun to write about...