Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

I am particularly sobered today following the death of Steve Jobs last night. And I don’t really know why.

I guess I am sobered because Westboro is going to picket his funeral. I have no idea where that kind of mindset comes from.

I guess I am sobered because Apple will likely never produce at the same level without him. He was one-of-a-kind.

I guess I am sobered because he was so young—just in his fifties. His wife, kids, family, friends, and co-workers were not ready for him to go—they have some difficult days ahead.

I guess I am sobered because Steve Jobs, in all likelihood, did not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Even great men succumb to the result of our human condition, the consequences of our sin: death.

In this life, we have a choice to make, whether we realize it or not—to follow Christ, or follow ourselves. Both lead towards an eternal destination—one with God and one separated from Him.

Hopefully Steve had a relationship with Christ that no one knew about. One way or the other, it is too late to worry about his eternity now.

But your eternity is still at stake. Choose to follow Christ today.

And be sobered at the reality of the lostness of our world, of your friends and neighbors. Living in constant reality of that lostness is the motivation we need to share the Gospel.

Steve Jobs impacted a lot of people with his products, ingenuity, and personality. And today, wherever he is, I know that he would want you to impact your world for the Kingdom of God today.

This life is short. Dream Big, take risks, and never give up.